Security Concerns of Virtual M&A Deals Grow During Pandemic

Deloitte recently conducted a survey on the future of Merger & Acquisition (M&A) trends due to the increasing amount of virtual deals occuring. The pandemic greatly slowed down M&A deals and 51% of executives reported cybersecurity as their corporation’s biggest concern when conducting M&A deals. It has been reported that about 400 M&A deals in the technology industry have occurred so far this year and more are expected to be added before the end of 2020.

In order to ensure security during a virtual M&A deal, it’s important to look into cyber threat profiles to make sure your company isn’t making a risky deal. Additionally, using third-party cybersecurity services can help guide your team to make a safe and successful deal. Lastly, using a bug bounty platform can allow your team to assess the M&A deal and any flaws that may occur in the process.

See how the Agile1 Machine Learning + User Behavior Analytics SOC-as-a-Service can keep you safe from a breach, schedule a demo.

Learn more about M&A deal concerns here.

Written by Gillian Sweny

Gillian is Director of Marketing at AgileBlue with over 13 years of experience in the marketing industry. Gillian resides in Cleveland, OH with her husband and 3-year-old son.

October 14, 2020

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