UPCOMING WEBINAR: Q3 Recap and Q4 Preview-What’s New and What’s Next at AgileBlue

Please join us Wednesday, September 18th at 11AM EST for an exclusive look in what’s happening and what’s next at AgileBlue.

This isn’t just another webinar–it’s your chance to see firsthand how our latest innovations can elevate your cybersecurity strategy and initiatives!

Here’s a sneak peek at what we’ll be covering:

Q3 Rollouts & Updates:
– New Sapphire AI Automation
– Automated Case Management
– Expanded Sapphire AI Capabilities
– Device Tagging and Enhanced Cloud APIs

Looking Ahead to Q4:
– Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)
– Dynamic Playbooks
– Cyber threat alert visualizer
– Next generation reporting with auto-send

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AgileBlue is a software company with an innovative SOC-as-a-Service for 24X7 network monitoring, cloud security, data privacy and compliance.

Our modern SOC-as-a-Service is built on innovative machine learning and autonomous execution. If you would like to discuss our SOC-as-a-Service, Partner Program or schedule a brief demo please give us a little info and we will contact you immediately.