Security Orchestration Automation and Response

Stop relying on siloed tools

Instead of relying on siloed tools and inconsistent manual processes, a security orchestrations, automation and response (SOAR) solution allows your security team to aggregate data and turn it into actionable insights. AgileBlue’s AI-powered SOAR solution empowers your security team by consolidating data and transforming it into actionable insights, custom-tailored to your organization’s specific processes and personnel.

Recent advancements to our AI-powered SOAR introduce advanced features, including heightened automation for blocking IP addresses and disabling active directory accounts. Moreover, an AI-driven dynamic playbook proactively addresses anomalous activities, preventing potential breaches. These collective additions ensure organizations establish a more effective and impactful cybersecurity posture. 

AgileBlue images of dashboards

Improve Your Security Operations

Better, Faster, Smarter

All-in-One Solution

Eliminate your vendor sprawl. Security orchestration, intelligent automation, incident management, and interactive investigations all rolled up into one single solution.

Reduced False Positives

False positives are nothing but wasted time and money. Reduce false positives, repetitive tasks and manual processes that eat up your teams’ time.

Quicker Automation

When your security is on the line, you can’t afford to react slow. A large percentage of incidents are dealt with immediately and automatically, reducing mean time to detect (MTTD) and mean time to respond (MTTR).

A Complete Story in a Single View

AgileBlue’s security orchestration, automation and response solution gives your organization a single source for observing, understanding, deciding upon and acting on security incidents. We help you clear out mundane tasks tying up your team’s time by using our machine learning and automation, while also offering you orchestration across your entire infrastructure.

AgileBlue’s platform applies intelligent, advanced logic to show a complete story of an incident in a single view. Your team, network, and data deserve insightful and constant protection. This job is never done, but we’ve got it handled.

Steps to SOAR

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