Tony Pietrocola

Tony Pietrocola is Co-Founder and President of AgileBlue, founded in 2019. Tony currently resides in Cleveland, OH.

SolarWinds Breach Update

If you are an Agile1 customer (thank you) we have taken the necessary steps to ensure you are properly being monitored 24/7. While no platform is guaranteed to stop a motivated and well-funded nation-state from a breach, working with the Agile1 SOC-as-a-Service can...

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Telehealth and HIPAA Compliant Response

Healthcare organizations are responsible for protecting patients and system operations while also maintaining HIPAA compliance. A breach within a network can be extremely harmful not only for healthcare providers but patients as well. Telehealth has grown in...

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Cyber and IT Executives Fear Burnout

Cyber chiefs fear burnout. Long hours, remote work, a lurking pathogen and an onslaught of cyberattacks have security chiefs concerned that their staff are quietly absorbing too much stress at once. In a report from McKinsey, they found Cyber leaders most concerned...

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Top CyberSecurity Articles of the Past Week

There are literally hundreds of articles written about CyberSecurity each week. Here are the most interesting articles of the past week: 1. Google warns of government-backed cyber groups targeting health care organizations: Healthcare organizations are in the cross...

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