Covid-19 Accelerates Company Tech Improvements

Companies are now implementing more digital transformations after they experienced how quickly their efforts could be enacted due to covid-19. After a sudden shift to working from home, businesses around the world now see how efficiently they can update and improve their IT and digital business models. The Wall Street Journal reports, “nearly 70% of corporate boards cite the impact of Covid-19 for a ramp up in spending on IT and digital capabilities…”
The pandemic has accelerated digital expansion by a couple of years and cloud services like Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud are seeing more and more businesses using their services. In the next few months many more companies are expected to upgrade and improve their digital infrastructure to keep up with ever changing technology.
See how the Agile1 Machine Learning + User Behavior Analytics SOC-as-a-Service can keep you safe from a breach, schedule a demo.
Learn more about the expansion in tech improvements here.

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AgileBlue is a software company with an innovative SOC-as-a-Service for 24X7 network monitoring, cloud security, data privacy and compliance.

Our modern SOC-as-a-Service is built on innovative machine learning and autonomous execution. If you would like to discuss our SOC-as-a-Service, Partner Program or schedule a brief demo please give us a little info and we will contact you immediately.