Cybersecurity is a Necessity As More Retailers Go Digital

The role of technology in retail is becoming more prominent and all areas of the industry are focusing on becoming more efficient. While a digital transformation can have a positive impact on a business, it’s important that cybersecurity isn’t overlooked in the process. As retailers build complex networks and add more devices to their plan, the attack surface grows for cyber criminals. In addition, private customer information is collected through multiple sources increasing the chances of data being compromised. In order to secure the many moving parts of retail, experts suggest employing machine learning and automation so that no threat goes undetected. As retailers continue to update the technology in all parts of their business it’s important that they prioritize cybersecurity and network safety.
See how the AgileBlue Machine Learning + User Behavior Analytics SOC-as-a-Service can keep you safe from a breach, schedule a demo.
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AgileBlue is a software company with an innovative SOC-as-a-Service for 24X7 network monitoring, cloud security, data privacy and compliance.

Our modern SOC-as-a-Service is built on innovative machine learning and autonomous execution. If you would like to discuss our SOC-as-a-Service, Partner Program or schedule a brief demo please give us a little info and we will contact you immediately.