Meet the Hacker Helping Corporate America

Santiago Lopez, a 21 year old from Buenos Aires, is an ethical hacker who contracts with HackerOne to help businesses identify weaknesses in their systems. He started hacking when he was a teenager and he learned different methods from YouTube tutorials and friends. Although hackers usually have a bad reputation he didn’t plan on using his skills to harm companies. Now he has made a living helping some large companies identify weaknesses in their systems so that they can increase their network security. The pandemic has made all networks more vulnerable with many companies working from home, and Lopez observed that he is able to find a bug in almost any network no matter how small. His advice to the corporate world is to invest more time and money into cybersecurity because most companies can identify bugs, but few have the means to fix them.

See how the Agile1 Machine Learning + User Behavior Analytics SOC-as-a-Service can keep you safe from a breach, schedule a demo.

Read the full interview here.

Written by Gillian Sweny

Gillian is Director of Marketing at AgileBlue with over 13 years of experience in the marketing industry. Gillian resides in Cleveland, OH with her husband and 3-year-old son.

October 14, 2020

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