1. Consolidation As we look ahead to the second half of 2023, we see a trend that CISOs and CIOs can't afford to ignore: consolidation. Faced with the challenge of doing more with less, cybersecurity leaders must streamline operations, optimize budgets, and simplify...

Peter Burg
Boost Your Cybersecurity Strength: Tips to Maximize Your Cyber Risk Score
The cost of cybercrime continues to rise thanks to costly data breaches, leading organizations to increase their focus on cyber risk management initiatives. Cyber risk scores are an important part of the equation – they provide an accurate evaluation and assessment of...
ChatGPT Raises Security Concerns for Businesses: Should It Be Banned?
Open AI’s ChatGPT Is All the Rage in '23 (But You Already Knew That) Open AI's revolutionary ChatGPT has been the talk of digital spaces for months, making it virtually impossible to miss hearing about the innovative tool. Following its launch in late November 2022,...
Uncovering the Growing Threat of Ransomware As A Service (RaaS)
What Is RaaS? Ransomware as a Service (RaaS) is a type of cybercrime service where ransomware developers offer their malicious software to others to use for a fee. Ransomware is a type of malware that encrypts a victim's files and demands a ransom payment in exchange...
Navigating Cybersecurity Vendor Sprawl In Your Organization
Cybersecurity vendor sprawl is an increasingly common situation for organizations of all sizes, and it can be difficult to manage. With each new purchase of a cybersecurity tool, comes the need for more resources and personnel to manage and maintain that platform....
Are you a State Level CISO? 7 Ways to Bolster Your Cybersecurity Strategy
Are you a state government organization's Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)? As cyber-attacks on governmental systems become more frequent and sophisticated, ensuring that your cybersecurity strategy is as robust as possible is essential. The role you hold as...
7 Online Holiday Shopping Scams to Watch Out For
Although online shopping during the holidays can be great for missing out on the crowds, long lines and saving time, it also leaves millions of people vulnerable to online shopping scams. In 2021, a baffling $337 million was stolen from American shoppers online....
FTC Safeguards Rule for Automotive Dealerships: All You Need to Know
Origin of the FTC Safeguards Rule The origins of the FTC Safeguards Rule can be traced back to the 1999 Gramm-Leach-Bliley (GLBA) act requiring financial institutions to document how they handled confidential customer data. Branching off this, in 2003, the Safeguards...
Ransomware: Wreaking Havoc on American Schools
Well, most of us could say that we saw this coming. Ransomware began wreaking havoc on businesses globally amid the COVID-19 pandemic, however, these malicious actors have their eyes set on a new form of prey – our schools. An independent study revealed that a...
XDR Have You Confused? We’re Here to Help.
A Brief History of XDR Coined in 2018 by Nir Zuk, Palo Alto Network’s CTO, “extended detection and response” (XDR) is a term that often incites great debate on the specifics of its definition. This debate has only led to confusion for potential clients who don’t have...